Is there ever a right time?

To develop and excel as a cyclist it takes time.  Early on we often see rapid changes in a rider’s performance, and then as the months and years pass the physiological changes continue, but often at a slower rate, especially in highly trained athletes.


It can take up to 10 years for a rider to develop fully, in the first 5 years we see predominantly physical development and the later 5 years cognitive development, so it’s never too late or too early to start.

The 2024 season in the northern hemisphere is now underway so the opportunity to be at your best for an event this summer are more limited, but with the correct plan, with the appropriate amount of loading and recovery, designed around your specific events requirements, improvements can be made.

If you have never been coached before or followed a plan tailored for you and your event needs, then there is no better time to start.  With continuity of training time, support from your coach, you will get so much more from your training and events.


What would Albert do!

The season for many has drawn to a close and now is a good time to reflect on the year, your successes, what you’re most proud of and where things didn’t go to plan, before the 2024 training begins 😊

Remember to reflect on what it was that contributed to those achievements, and to focus on those elements that you had complete control over.  Its not just your physical fitness and preparation that will have contributed, our mental state plays a big part in the way we perform.  I find writing them down helps me to identify what worked well and where I need greater development.

With these thoughts and notes I can structure my training correctly to take me into the 2024 season fitter, stronger, faster.

Albert Einstein quoted – Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

So what are you going to do differently moving forward, or are you going to let insanity rule!

Age is just a number, no one can slow me down

Veteran Time Trial Association (VTTA) National 10 mile Championships

For those of us who are also fighting off mother nature as we grow old and strive to go faster then on the 17th September I am hosting the Veteran Time Trial Association (VTTA) National 10 mile Championships on my local K48/10 course. Here you will get to race alongside some of the fastest women and men in the country who refuse to grow old and slow down.
I have set the entry field to 150 riders to ensure that there are places available for everyone of any age, and not just VTTA members. So if you fancy riding here is the entry LINK  (riders must pre-enter this event and the closing date is midnight on the 5th Sept).
If you do not fancy riding but would like to come along and support me hosting the event and see up close just how fast some people can go, then please get in touch via as all support would be gratefully appreciated.

Veteran Time Trial Association (VTTA)

For anyone who is not familiar with the VTTA it was set up to allow cyclists from the age of 40, of either gender, to race on an equal basis using an Age Adjusted Time (handicap system). As we age we can not hope to match the times produced by many of the younger riders but the VTTA moto “Competitive Cycling For Life” and the use of Age Adjusted Times provides us all with the opportunity to enjoy racing against the clock, with no age limitations.
I hope you have a fabulous end to your 2023 season and you are able to join me on the 17th September for what will be a spectacle of speed and agility regardless of age 😀
Working together you will go faster